Monday, February 20, 2006


To tell the truth, I'm simmering angry, so I'm not going to write very much on this topic: I'd rather people read it and make their own judgement. What's now the top thread on Jay Rosen's Press Think starts off to be a post on how Cheney wasn't so much mistaken not calling in the White House press s purposefully dissing them. All well and good, and I might even be convinced to agree with him. (Now, Rosen doesn't think this is a good thing, but I frankly do. But that's for another time.)

However, follow down the thread and see what Steve Lovelady, of the Columbia Journalism Review, has to say. It comes down to, basically, that neither the people who talked to the police, nor the police reports themselves in Kenedy County Texas are reliable, because it's a "feudalism."

But that while Lovelady says the reports are unreliable and (apparently) believes they're false, that doesn't mean that he thinks the people involved are "lying."

What's more, it appears that the people involved couldn't be troubled to read the actual police report (at Smoking Gun) or spend the few seconds (literally!) Googling to determine that the guy who was on the scene at the time, Constable Ramiro Medellin, was in fact a police officer listed in the county's web page.

I suggested to Lovelady that he call Constable Medellin and ask his reaction to the suggestion that he made a false report. So far as I can tell, he hasn't tried it yet.


  1. Well,

    Hang out with fools and you will get heart attack you deserve. CJR is hopeless, as is the MSM in general. We need to go around these guys, not waste time argueing with them. It's not like they have the slightest clue.

  2. I'm with chuck on this.

    Those people have power only because We the People give them power. Why bother?

  3. When people have their heads that far up their asses I don't think that it matters how loud you YELL so I'll third Chuck.

    I was happy to read that particular thread though - Ric Locke hit the same Greenland point that I did wrt how warm things were in 1000AD.

    You didn't think that propagandists were born so you can't be surprised that that their teachers have a flair for their subject.

    Time for another chapter from the Meditations or Ecclesiastes which seems to have been read by at some point by Marcus Aurelius. Hebrew influence on stoicism has always intrigued me.

  4. David,

    Yeah, he is saying Medellin *might* be a liar. In a duelling age I would expect Medellin to call Lovelady out, his honor has been besmirched. Now *there* is a shooting I would pay to see.

  5. I forgot. The schmuck in question made a huge deal about Cheney not personally phoning the police and then turned around and acted as if it was Cheney who personally turned the cop away from the gate - and never acknowledged that a constable (and therefore, a local peace officer) was present at all times.

    A fair propagandist - but not a good propagnadist.

  6. Steve Lovelady lives in the fever swamps of the left where it is unclear that Dan Rather proffered forged documents.

    Lovelady referred to bloggers as "salivating morons" in his defense of Eason Jordan.

    Recall Mr. Jordan's November 2004 statement: "The reality is that at least 10 journalists have been killed by the US military, and according to reports I believe to be true journalists have been arrested and tortured by US forces."

    Also recall Jordan's January 27, 2005 statement in Davros, Switzerland that coalition troops were targeting journalists.

    Finally, recall that on April 11, 2003, Jordan revealed that CNN knew about human rights abuses committed in Iraq by Saddam Hussein since 1990, but the network refrained from coverage of them in order to gain better access to information on Hussein's government.

    Jordan resigned as CNN's chief news executive on February 11, 2005.

    But back to Lovelady. Here's his attack on those who would question John Kerry's war record. (By the way, Kerry still hasn't released his military records, has he?)

    And we know where Lovelady stands on Iraq: "the lies at the heart of the Iraq invasion."

    In fact, after googling "Steve Lovelady" I couldn't find anything rational that he stood for.

    Maybe I missed something.

  7. I'll 4th chuck. Just more of the typical MSM: "Just make shit up".

  8. I find it incredible that people are still even talking about this non-story. And the conspiracy loons are out in force. How sad their lives must be that they must hide under the covers wearing their tin foil hats at night so the Rovian Rays don't get them. But they'll not be taken in by the truth...nosiree.....I wonder how many of them have seen this Time poll? 52% of Americans think Cheney did the right thing.

  9. Knuck,

    I disagree. The sick bastards (IMO) can definitely "see it". I read Rosen's piece and it is artful propaganda - much more so than Lovelady's laughable conjecture. Rosen continues to promulgate the concept of journo's as "priests" capable of "discernment". He is very incensed that the WH refuses to accord the priesthood the status that he feels they deserve and spends a gazillion words informing his readership as to the "danger" of such a move.

  10. Seneca,Brylun, there is a good blog there which the lgf or AT or any other blog that watches the media might run if you chose to do it.

  11. Another example of, among other things, the press not knowing anything about the world outside their little castle. They don't understand Texas, that county, ranching, or hunting.

    Doesn't matter to them, for they want to force the entire country into a mold of their own making.

  12. Well considering that the men who was shot is not accusing anyone of attempted murder or whatever maybe these yahoos should shut up before they make themselves look even more ridiculous.

  13. Terrye, I think my last post on the thread made just that point: that when they continue to insist that there must have been a conspiracy and cover-up, in the face of everything *including* the victim's own delials just makes them look like fools.

  14. David, I agree --- no one literate could fail to understand that Lovelady is saying that Medellin is lying.

    I wonder if the phrase "pusillanimous prevaricating weasel" would be good enough?
