Wednesday, February 15, 2006

That is a good question

Michelle Malkin has good question. More Abu Ghraib photos are out and the MSM is more than happy to display them. Why not the Mohammed cartoons? What kind of message does this send?

Well this is will be like gas on a fire. And as for the 150,000 soldiers in the ME that had squat to do with Abu Ghraib? I guess the feelings of the MSM are if they die, they die.


  1. knuck:

    Very good. Perhaps we should start calling them chickenjournos.

  2. Knuck,

    Please, don't slander the Cowardly Lion by the comparison. He had a set of brass ones when he needed them.

  3. Terrye,

    They're just a bunch of red-staters anyway. They deserve to die! Maybe we can prevent another Republican President this way!
