Monday, March 13, 2006

Bush Administration to Release Saddam Documents

According to the Daily Standard's Stephen F. Hayes, the Bush administration has decided to release most of the documents captured in post-war Afghanistan and Iraq. The details of the document release are still being worked out, according to officials with knowledge of the discussions.

The President has made clear in recent weeks his displeasure with the delays in getting the information out to the American public.

National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and John Negroponte, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), informed House Intelligence Committee chairman Pete Hoekstra on Saturday.

We have previously reported on this issue, here and here.


vnjagvet said...

I wonder if this has been in the works for longer than we might think.

Other than a quick end to violence in Iraq, I can think of no better gesture to recapture public support for the war than full disclosure of what was going on their in the period before March 2003.

jd watson said...

About phracking time.

Rick Ballard said...

Negroponte needs to be relieved if he doesn't produce. He has a boss and if he can't follow an order he has a very limited utility.

I would also say that the Bush order to release is a tug on the reins for the French, Germans and Russians concerning the UNSC meeting on Friday. A "gentle public reminder" that certain documents could "just pop up" at almost any moment. There is nothing quite so good for diplomacy as compromising information of a very embarassing nature.

I wonder if they've sent good copies around for review? Maybe with a "Just thinking of you, Jacques" note stapled to it.

Anonymous said...

I think they have failed to release them because they were not sure what was in there.

Papa: Sadr is a troublemaker and he does need to be gone.

Eric said...

I keep seeing this 'documents as a big stick' meme regarding the axis of weasels.

That isn't the way to go, since these documents need to come out. I really don't care who they embarrass, I want to know what was going on.