Sunday, March 26, 2006


Here are six core principles of a peaceful and prosperous society followed by almost all Americans in their private lives, regardless of politics. First, don’t initiate violence against peaceful others; second, don’t take other people’s stuff; third, tell the truth; fourth, keep your promises; fifth, act responsibly; sixth, respect every adult with the presumption that he or she is responsible and worthy.

And here’s a seventh principle, no less important than the others, but sadly rejected by too many people on the right, left, and middle: banding together with others into a majority coalition does not excuse violations of any of the first six principles. — Donald J. Boudreaux


  1. But if a minority seizes control of the courts and uses them to exert control over the majority, thats cool, right?

  2. Seneca:

    It is easy to do though isn't it, for the sake of expediency? Like gaining weight, a bag of chips here, a pound there. Whose gonna notice?

    flenser: how does that have anything to do with the question? In fact by the time Bush [that man who is not a real conservative] leaves office chances are the tide on the court will have changed and the conservatives will be calling the shots from the bench. And whether or not they represent a majority will be debated, but it will not change anything.

  3. Flenser, there are nine justices. That's always going to be a minority.
