Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Iran to the UNSC

The IAEA completed its report for the UNSC today with as stultifying language as ElBaradei has ever used, the IAEA can't "conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in Iran," IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in a report to diplomats at the agency today. The Vienna-based IAEA voted Feb. 4 to report Iran to the UN Security Council pending ElBaradei's latest assessment.

The US called for a UNSC meeting as soon as possible and EU (and Russian) support for sanctions appears steady.

Iran continues to bluff and bluster while Israel Israel promises to act if the UNSC does not.

A review of NATO actions in Serbia may be in order for those who wonder what type of response might be generated against continued Iranian defiance. Also note that the campaign was conducted without either a UNSC action or Congressional approval.

1 comment:

  1. kncuk:

    What do they call those things... spears? In fact I heard there was a kind of bomb that does not even use explosives. It goes deep and just collapses everything.

    I heard the Pentagon was considering using them in NK.
