Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jonah Goldberg

The fact that Hussein turned out to be bluffing about WMD isn't a mark against Bush's decision. If you're a cop and a man pulls out a gun and points it at you, you're within your rights to shoot him, particularly if the man in question is a known criminal who's shot people before. If it turns out afterward that the gun wasn't loaded, that's not the cop's fault. Read it at the LA Times, it'll piss off Barbra Streisand.

1 comment:

  1. Well I have to say that we might never really know if Saddam was bluffing or not, of if the weapons were sold or hiden, or if he had chemicals but no biologicals, or if we was just waiting to start up again. The truth is if we had not invaded we would not know the little we do know. People would still be wondering what was there.
