Thursday, March 30, 2006

On the Return of History

We could, if we wished, withdraw every soldier from every inch of soil that is not American territory and leave them here inside our borders rusting for a decade. War will still come because war is already upon us, and wars do not end in staged withdrawals, but in either defeat or victory. The lessons of Vietnam and the Cold War teach this to us if we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.


  1. Gerard van der Leun is becoming one of my favorite reads. I've added him to the blogroll, or at least I think I have.

  2. I always did thaink that end of history stuff was tad over reaching.

    Was it Trotsky or Lenin who said, you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.

    Isolationism is a thing of the past. The world is getting smaller and smaller and more interwoven every day.
