Sunday, March 12, 2006

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil...

From the Guardian's Lionel Shriver:

"Lastly, let me rue the passing of Mark Steyn's syndication in Britain, for his column has now been dropped by both the Sunday Telegraph and the Spectator. I don't know the inside story, so I can't be certain that the jettisoning of this notoriously conservative Canadian constitutes political self-censorship."


Anonymous said...

Mark Steyn is one of my favorites. It was not so long ago he got dropped by a Canadian paper.

Is is politics or money?

Morgan said...


I don't know which it is - Steyn has talked about being dropped because he's more expensive than most columnists.

To be honest, though, I think you could publish a paper with nothing but Mark Steyn's latest column each week, and find enough buyers to make a profit. He's that entertaining.

truepeers said...

All the papers from which Steyn has been dropped are owned by the Barclay brothers. Only they know why they dropped him. But maybe they don't like the fact that he is a defeatist on Europe, saying its takeover by Islam is inevitable. Or maybe they just think he's too much of a troublemaker because they agree with him on their future.

gumshoe said...

"paper tigers"?

cf said...

I love him even more than chocolate.