Friday, March 17, 2006

Steyn on Commissions

Oh goody, another Commission, this time on the Iraq War.

Another opppurtunity for the political class to show us how smart they are. In truth I agree with Mark Steyn on this issue:

I'm a foreigner, but I'm pro-American. And yet I must say, the 9/11 Commission is everything I loathe about the United States, in that its legalistic, retrospective, showboating blowhards, pompous people going on TV round the clock. And in effect, it becomes something in and of itself. It's not just commenting on something like a play by play guy is, but it actually changes the course of the something its commenting on. And that's what's bad about this. You know, Iraq isn't a Broadway play in previews. The show has opened, and it's on now. So it's too late to have arguments about this little weak spot in the first act, and we should get it re-written. The show has opened, and the responsibility of these people involved in this, James Baker, Lee Hamilton, Rudy Giuliani, all these people, is that they should now be saying let's win it, and then have the arguments.

1 comment:

  1. imo, they're trying to get out in front of the captured Iraqi info
    that's just been released.

    they know if the Bush Admin lets it out over the span btwn now and the elections in Nov,the Dems are screwed on
    the "Bush Lied Meme".

    they're in full "get Bush" mode.

    the Brits are discussing some troop withdrawals,and and someone
    suggesested that's unlikely if things in Iraq are,in fact,
    "on the brink of civil war".

