Thursday, March 02, 2006

US troops say seize 61 al Qaeda in Iraq members

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. military operations in the province of Anbar, west of Baghdad, have resulted in the capture of 61 members of al Qaeda in
Iraq, Major General Rick Lynch, a U.S. military spokesman, said on Thursday.

Bomb making equipment, weapons and munitions were seized in the raids on the training and bomb making facility in an area 50 km (30 miles) northeast of Falluja, Lynch said.

Some of al Qaeda in Iraq's "critical facilitators" were included in the 61 people captured, he said.

Sixty one captured. Seems like quite a score.

I wonder how the military happened to find out about them?


  1. Probably the:

    Kill the infidel!
    Al Qaeda in Iraq
    Recruitment 7:00 Tonite

    banner hanging over the door.

  2. How can Yale accomodate 61 additional slots in next year's class on such short notice?

  3. How can Yale accomodate 61 additional slots in next year's class on such short notice?

    More to the point, how are the new students going to deal with the mixed sex dorms and showers that are central to the Yale experience.
