Saturday, March 11, 2006

What if they held a straw poll and nobody won?

I'm listening to the "Hardball" coverage of the straw poll in Memphis (held in the Peabody Hotel, lovely place, one of my favorite hotels. Don't let Cheney at the ducks.)

If I'm following the commentary, Bill Frist got the high score but didn't win because he's the hometown boy who bused in people; John McCain had everyone write in George W Bush (which I thought was kind of interesting) and GWB only got 10 percent, so he didn't win; Romney got 10 percent but he's a Mormon so he's not a serious candidate.

Best I can tell, nobody won.

I don't understand.


  1. It's too early to matter. I'm not sure I'd discount Romney.

  2. Donald Rumsfeld would make a good candidate and a good president.
    I don't know why he is never mentioned.

  3. walter:

    He is controversial and he is getting up in years.
