Thursday, March 02, 2006

Would You Like a Massage?

Of your 10K, I mean. If so, try a Sulzberger approved masseuse. Thomas Lifson and Jack Risko do an excellent job of separating fact from light fiction in their analysis of what's buried (but still stinking) in the NYT financial reports.

I can only add that the "go national" plan presumed a potential subscriber core - blinkered liberals - that was dimensionally illusory from the beginning. The potential pool was never more than 13% deep and half of them aren't going to spend a dime of Daddy's money on a newspaper. Between that fact and the fact that the potential customer "pool" is very heavily concentrated in the Blue Castles already served by major MSM print organs - well, it really wasn't a very well conceived plan.

Not bad for a not terribly bright scion of a family owned business but it could well become a Harvard Business School study on mismanagement. Let's hope so.

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