Monday, March 13, 2006

Yale official calls Taliban critics ‘retarded’

John Fund, following up on Yale University's admission of a Taliban official Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, quotes emails sent by Yale Law School official Andrew Surovov to Yale graduates Clinton Taylor and Debbie Bookstaber:
"Are you retarded?"

Taylor and Bookstaber have started a campaign called NailYale. It focuses on the Taliban's barbaric treatment of women, which extended to yanking out the fingernails of those who wore nail polish. In a column, they urged alumni "not give one red cent this year, but instead send Yale a red press-on fingernail."

Yale Law School must be a place of dullards - Surovov said he was "only vaguely aware of Taliban practices."

Don't forget Yale Law School was on the wrong side of an 8-0 Supreme Court decision in Rumsfeld v. F.A.I.R. where the unanimous Court referred favorably to the intelligence of high school students in comparison to the Yale Law School plaintiffs.

And a warning - be careful about giving to Yale. Because records of your donations may be searched and used against you by Yale officials like Surovov.

Surovov should probably be dismissed for his abuse of confidential contribution records, but the university is covering up for him.

Maybe Yale should concentrate a little more on education, and a little less on leftist politics.

UPDATE: Here is a column written by Clinton Taylor in response to the email he received from Yale Law School official Andrew Surovov.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Jed Babbin on "The Yale Colonial Office."

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