Tuesday, April 18, 2006

All Americans Must See 'United 93'

Dennis Prager has seen "United 93," the new film about "United Airlines Flight 93, hijacked on 9-11 by Islamic terrorists shortly after leaving Newark, N.J., for San Francisco. The terrorists intended to fly the plane to Washington, D.C., and crash it into the Capitol. Instead, the passengers fought back and forced the plane down in Pennsylvania, thereby saving the lives of any number of people on the ground in Washington and saving America from a devastating blow to its image."

"Five years after the most devastating attack on American soil, people are asking if Americans are ready to see a film -- not some fictional, politically driven, reality-distorting film by Oliver Stone, but a film based on the phone conversations of the passengers and flight attendants, on the flight recorder tape, and approved by the families of all 40 passengers -- one of the most terrible and heroic events in American history."

Prager recommends "go and see 'United 93,' to see why some Americans still take 'Home of the brave' seriously; and to see why we have to win this war more than any since World War II. That's how bad our enemy is."

Sounds like it's a "must-see" movie for me.

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