Monday, April 03, 2006

Anthony Kennedy's "evolving views"

Adam Cohen has an op-ed piece in today's New York Times touting Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for his "evolving views," and predicting that he would join the four "moderate" justices in rejecting the Bush administration's position on a key aspect of its war-on-terror powers in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.


  1. Cohen might want to refresh his understanding of actuarial tables prior to talking about a Kennedy rather than O'Connor court. There are a couple of justices sitting in God's waiting room today and four isn't going to be the magic number much longer.

    Which reminds me, how old is Judge Brown?

  2. Harris is blowing out as we write. If Franks is available then he gets 70 - 90% of my political giving budget for the year (Steele already has an initial chunk). Don't forget Minnesota - a little attention to the new voter registration standards and it will go red.

    It's still too early - what happens in WV if Byrd follows his wife? Not an unusal occurence at his age. In PA Casey faces a destruction derby from the idiots at NOW. The other Nelson in NE is still in jeopardy too.

    It will be an interesting summer - especially if Stevens retires.
