Friday, April 07, 2006

The Compromise

Bill Frist defends his compromise on his blog:

Border Enforcement Specifics:

* Add nearly 15,000 additional border protection agents to augment the 20,000 Customs and Border Protection agents already on the job
* Specifically authorize 1,250 border agents and 1,250 port-of entry inspection agents
* Require Defense Department cooperation on the border, e.g. unmanned drones
* Begin the process of securing every inch of our 1,951 mile border with Mexico by building walls and fences in high traffic areas and using sensors to let our Customs and Border Patrol Agents see and hear those who try and cross through low traffic areas
* Require fingerprint database connectivity between FBI and Border Patrol

Interior Enforcement specifics:

* Increase alien smuggling penalties with a mandatory minimum of 5 years
* Add criminal penalties for various immigration-related document fraud
* Mandate the use of expedited removal for aliens apprehended within 100 miles of the border and 14 days of entry

Employer Enforcement specifics:

* Establish nationwide, mandatory verification program for hiring workers
* Limit the number of acceptable hiring documents with REAL ID standards
* Authorize 2,000 new worksite enforcement agents and 1,000 anti-fraud agents

Critics will claim that is not tough enough, they will say it allows amnesty to people. Of course the people who pass these laws are actually responsible for them working, whereas critics are just responsible for criticizing. Everybody is an expert. Except me, I will admit that I don't have all the answers. Shocking, I know.


  1. terrye

    Have you read this article-

    Anyways they started building the fence in San Diego in 1993 and they are still not finished building it and need another 35 million.


    Then there was this article about how Herbert Hoover did mass deportations of Mexicans many who were Mexican-Americans and forcibly repatriated in locked box cars.


    I don't think we are going to go there but-if you've ever delved into some of the thread thugs comments over at some blogs you know this wouldn't be far from their secret heart's desire. {If they have them-hearts that is...}

  2. johnnycanuck

    The American masses don't have a chance. The invasion will go on. Balkanization is the future of the U.S.

    What bothers me is that you probably believe this tripe.
