Friday, April 07, 2006

A Good End to the Week

When last I wrote of freedom's arch-enemy in freefall, I mentioned that NYT had cracked through the $26 mark on its southern journey. Today, only 16 days later, it pleases me to report that NYT Class A shareholders have ceded another $180M to Pinch Sulzberger's business acumen.

Not only that but the stock closed at $24.92 which means that another technical barrier has been broken. There was heavy trading as the stock broke $25 - but not enough to provide a floor.

One might wonder a bit about any insider selling here. After all if Bill Keller has a DoJ target letter in his inbox, he's going to have to raise some money.

It's going to be an interesting spring and summer.

1 comment:

  1. Zippety Doo Da, Rick.."My, oh my, it's a wonderful day"
