Monday, April 17, 2006

Plame convened meeting where Wilson discussed Niger trip

Josh Gerstein of the New York Sun reports on two documents declassified by the State Department involving Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson.

In a July 7, 2003 memorandum State Department intelligence chief Carl Ford Jr. wrote:

"In a February 19, 2002, meeting convened by Valerie Wilson, a CIA WMD manager, and the wife of Joe Wilson, he [Joe Wilson] previewed his plans and rationale for going to Niger."

Let me set aside for a moment the issue of whether Plame was covert, and also set aside the issue of whether Joe Wilson lied about who recommended him for the Niger assignment.

I am wondering about the ethics of recommending a spouse for a government assignment, and then convening a meeting on that subject.


  1. I've been wondering about that one for a while.

    The CIA is totally comprimised. Abolish it and send the intell gathering back to the military.

  2. Why didn't Wilson have to sign a confidentiality agreement? I thought there were supposed to be rules about blabbing about secret missions, even the ones the little lady sends you on.
