Friday, April 07, 2006

The thoughts of Mark Steyn...

From Hugh Hewitt: Steyn on immigration (& a fence), Cynthia McKinney's non-apology, and NBC's attempt to trap NASCAR.


Anonymous said...

Steyn does make one good point about how you know who is who.

Remember that movie East LA or something? The guy could not convince INS that he was born in East LA.

There will be real life problems like that.

Anonymous said...


Like Steyn said, he is a foreigner. He is also a very well off foreigner. I really like Steyn but it always annoys me when guys like him compare themselves to fruit pickers and nannies. I am a woman from Oklahoma and I can carry a tune, but that does not make me Reba.

In fact it could be argued that if it is difficlt to figure who these people are so that we can make some of them legal, it won't be any easier to figure out who they are so that we can round them up?

I remember reading somewhere that back in the Depression Mexicans were shipped out of the country to make work for the Okies, turned out that a lot of those folks were American citizens. But if they looked Mexican and sounded Mexican they were forced out.

I have not talked to anyone who is not obsessed with the issue who really believes a round up is possible. Remember Katrina with the people trapped in New Orleans? Imagine millions of people being rounded up and transported by force. It would be a circus.