Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Withhold federal funds from the University of California System

From today's San Francisco Chronicle is a report that violent protesters forced military recruiters to flee from the University of California Santa Cruz campus.

It is clear to me from reading the story that university administrators allowed the protesters to threaten violence against Army and National Guard members by not taking the appropriate law enforcement steps to assure law and order.

This is a violation of the Solomon Amendment, recently unanimously upheld by the Supreme Court in Rumsfeld v. F.A.I.R.

The Solomon Amendment statutory standard is "in effect prevents."

The Secretary of Defense should make the "determination" and start the process of withholding federal funds from the University of California.

Maybe then we will see how quickly UC Santa Cruz administrators can assure law and order on their campus.


  1. I can remember the same thing happening at IU 30 years ago. Some kinds of stupidity never seem to go away.

  2. Well, well, to paraphrase, the Supreme Court has made their ruling, now let them enforce it.

  3. Get one of the legal foundations to sue for an injunction barring federal funds--Not a bad idea. U of C will rush in and try to work out a deal to see that this doesn't happen again and that an injunction isn't necessary and the Foundation can demand a written promise of enforcement steps to preclude a repeat. I like it.

  4. knucklehead:

    LIke I said I can remember worse on campus years ago. The CIA gave up and went away they had so much trouble.

    Yes, I would say remind them of what the law is and while they are at it they can charge the students with battery.

  5. This could get quite amusing. not only is the UC system a big one, but UC also runs Lawrence Livermore Labs and Los Alamos National Labs.

    Lots of money there.

  6. This could get quite amusing. not only is the UC system a big one, but UC also runs Lawrence Livermore Labs and Los Alamos National Labs.

    Lots of money there.

  7. knucklehead:

    They think you are the one who is not interested in democracy. I remember reading some Copperhead rhetoric years ago talking about the wage slaves of the Union. It is amazing how people can find ways to justify the things they do.

    And not only should the authorities charge these brats with battery... b they can throw in public nuisance and a few other items as well.

    If they really want to go back to the good old days, they are going to have to learn to spend a night or two in jail.

  8. Suit's On!
    *******BLOCKING MILITARY RECRUITERS MAY BE EXPENSIVE: The Mountain States Legal Foundation is moving to cut off federal funding for UC Santa Cruz after the University permitted students to block military recruiters on campus. (Via Michelle Malkin). The University will presumably argue that this doesn't reflect its policy; I'm not sure how that will play out.

    I'll bet with little effort the plaintiffs will find faculty involved in this demo..

  9. You know if I was MSM I'd be really playing this up. I mean with all the demonstrations and violence over the past few weeks the headline would be:

    "US On Brink of Civil War"
