Monday, May 01, 2006

Back to the Future?

Finally, the Dems have outlined their security plan. They have also picked a winning model with proven success. All that is required in order to fully embrace the Democrat strategy is for the world to turn the clock back to 1999. That seems a simple and reasonable task.

1 comment:

  1. the Democrats in 2006 pledge to double the size of special forces, increase human intelligence capabilities, and redouble efforts to halt the spread of nuclear-weapons technology.

    How exactly? Each of these is deeply flawed.

    1) More special forces. This is the great Democratic phantasy--I hear it when I debate with my son. The argument is that by sending in secret special forces to do our dirty work we can avoid a real war. The problem is that when we send hostile military units into a foreign country, it is an act of war all by itself. There is no guarantee that the host country will not retaliate with real war.

    2) Increase human intelligence. How? By turning the CIA into a leaky sieve they have vitiated any hope for human intelligence for the next generation. Sometimes I think these people are completely incapable of putting together cause and effect. Think of "no windmills off the coast of my mansion" Kennedy.

    3) Halt the spread of nuclear weapons. Like in Iran for example. By having more talks.
