Saturday, May 06, 2006

Dogs have masters ...

... cats have staff.


  1. I share my home with two cats. Females...mean..watchful.

    But sweet.

    Great picture.

  2. Cat blogging seems to be the rage today. Even Jeff G. Great picture and (as a staffer of one) true words!

  3. ...I had to pull ours off the trunk of a tree just as she reached her paw inside a birdhouse.

    Bad staffer! Bad! Bad!

    When mine is hungry she puts her paw on my face and lets the claws out a bit, just enough to sorta gain traction and wake me up. This is usually about 5 AM after completing her early morning walkabout. So I push her away, but she seems to think it's worth trying anyway.

  4. Larry King is not a cat person--at all. He had Patty Reagan on who's just written a book about her two cats. Larry thinks she has lost her mind.

    Anyway, one doesn't discipline cats, one explains the situation to them. They either accept your explanation or not. :)

    But now (not personally knowing horses) I can understand how a horse can be trained to respond to the most subtle of movements. I can, while petting my cat, push almost perceptibly in the direction I want her to go. Right now. And she does.

    Cat's can be 'disciplined'. It's all in the persuasion. If they agree, they 'obey'.

  5. And those Chartreuses have a little extra attitude, i think because the French used to breed them for fur :!)

  6. We have four female feline foundlings (all "saved" and brought home by several daughters). One black, one white, one black and white and one calico. True diversity.

    My wife and I were always dog people, as were our respective parents.

    But we are now on staff as we were intended to be.

    Much contentment.

    Seneca, the pic is perfect.
