Thursday, May 25, 2006

Man, This Economy is Great

Reuter's reports the best economic growth in 2 1/2 years with stronger than expected strength in housing and consumer spending.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. of course, you know this means lower growth for everyone else, right?

    /sarc off

  3. I read over at hugh hewitts that exports were actually up this quarter. That is different.

  4. ex-dem,

    If it were just that simple. Not only does this sort of growth imply that somewhere children are being forced to eat clay in order to fill their shriveled stomachs but one must consider the terrible concentration of power in the hands of the productive. It's common knowledge that 20% of the population is responsible for the vast majority of the growth, what sort of heartless, miserly society lets them get away with it? What about those trapped by dependence upon drugs and alcohol or the inability to get to work who will not share in the increase? A just society would insure that they shared equally, and perhaps more than equally, in compensation for their disparagement by those whom chance has afforded the fortune of being productive.

    Bush certainly has much for which he must answer.

  5. rick:
    "It's common knowledge that 20% of the population is responsible for the vast majority of the growth, what sort of heartless, miserly society lets them get away with it?"

    out of the park, mate!

  6. It's the competition -- it sets us against each other, when we COULD be cooperating. We need to kill the Kulacks. And the profiteers. And the exploiters. To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities. And Vodka -- lots and lots of Vodka.

  7. Buddy,

    Far too easy - first we will tax them to near penury, then we'll regulate what's left out of their prying fingers, then we'll enroll them in a reeducation system headed by Choamsky and Ward Churchill.

  8. ...and then we'll watch them from behind our--I mean, the peoples's--secret police, and laugh at the whimsical goings-on in Utopia.
