Saturday, May 20, 2006

On Fiction and Religion: A Comparison of Orthodoxies

In the late 80's when Satanic Verses was published, there was a furor somewhat akin to what we are now hearing about the Da Vinci Code. Many orthodox Muslims expressed the same sort of outrage expressed by many orthodox Christians today. And when one compares the two books, there are similarities. Satanic Verses questions some of Islam's most basic beliefs about Muhammed, its most important figure other than Allah. Likewise, DaVinci questions Christianity's most cherished beliefs about Christ, who it believes was the Son of God, divine yet also human but without sin.

But there was a distinct difference to the reactions of the respective orthodox leaders as well. Then, the outrage caused Muslim leaders to call not just for the supression of the offending book, but for the death of its author Salmon Rushdie as well. To date, although the Vatican and many conservative Protestant leaders have vehemently criticized Da Vinci, Dan Brown's life has not been threatened by even the most outraged Christian leadership.

Doesn't this tell us something relevant to today's struggles with the Islamic Jihadists and their supporters? Doesn't it also say something about Christians?


  1. I had the same thought. In fact it was the same when Gibson came out with his movie about the Passion. There may have been Jews who were not happy about the movie, but no one threatened to kill Mel Gibson.

    Yes, it says a lot about the religions and the believers.

  2. I think, in today's climate, someone could make a mint doing a popularized version of Satanic Verses or a Muslim version of Da Vinci. But if anyone has done it, I haven't heard about it, and I doubt it is out there. Would you risk your life to make a fortune making conspiratorial fun of the life of Mohammed? Still, if anyone can show me a way to do it and remain safe and remunerated, maybe I will have a go...

  3. Yes, there is a difference between saying "You're wrong!" and saying "You're wrong and you must die!"
