Sunday, June 18, 2006

AP/Reuters Watch 6/18

A Flares feature which takes the Associated Press declaration in its


"we abhor inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortions"

to heart and offers a helping hand by pointing out egregious examples of abhorrent practice as they occur.

Day after day after day.

Examples found and posted in comments will be placed in the main post with credit.

All Flares contributors are invited to edit and/or update AP/Reuters Watch posts.

NOTE: Stories at AP and Reuters are updated throughout the day. Some of their updates may obviate criticism made here.
This story by Curt Woodward is rather curious in its omissions. Foster parenting can be difficult - but it can also be very profitable. Many foster parents are openhearted volunteers moved by compassion to give help to the needy and as such are to be lauded. They are absolutely wonderful people performing a societal service of high value.

Some are farmers working a government subsidized cash crop and specialists in abuse for profit. A close look at Daniele Baxter's operation might reveal the class to which she belongs. I have a suspicion but there are no reported facts - other than that 700 number, which suggests farming rather caring. A few interviews with kids formerly (or currently) "under care" might provide an answer.

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