Thursday, June 22, 2006

AP/Reuters Watch 6/22

A Flares feature which takes the Associated Press declaration in its


"we abhor inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortions"

to heart and offers a helping hand by pointing out egregious examples of abhorrent practice as they occur.

Day after day after day.

Examples found by readers and posted in comments will be placed in the main post with credit.

All Flares contributors are invited to edit and/or update AP/Reuters Watch posts.

NOTE: Stories at AP and Reuters are updated throughout the day. Some of their updates may obviate criticism made here.
Sweetness & Light plays "Guess his party" on an AP story concerning the indictment of the mayor of San Jose on corruption charges. [h/t Clarice]
As Clarice notes in comments this one is self fisking. Wizbang provides some entertainment in comments.
Thomas Watkins might want to look into the what charged" means with reference to the UCMJ. The investigation resulted in charges, those charges are referred to the Article 32 officer who conducts a hearing to determine whether the matter will be referred to the commander. The commander has the responsibility of actually determining whether a court martial is justified. The critical element is the referral from the Article 32 hearing.

AP is measuring rope a little early on this one. But then again, that's what AP does best.
David Espo writes a relatively decent piece marred somewhat by the blatant propaganda in the headline: GOP-Run Senate Kills Minimum Wage Increase and the lack of notation that the proposed increase is 41%. Well, that and the fact that Dem populist gasbags drag this out in every election season without ever proposing that the minimum wage be indexed with a rational COLA measure. Because a permanent "fix" would take it off the table as a faux "issue" and without faux issues - well what do the Dems have?

It's good to see Teddy's picture tied to the article. Nothing like putting a milionaire tax avoider up as a champion of the little guy.

AP Blog: Stint in Iraq Similiar to Russia. Now that sounds like it mike be interesting! What are the similarities between Iraq and Russia? Inquiring me wanted to know.

It's a blog by Kim Gamel and she does a tour de force of sophomoric, moonbat composition. (See the comments section. --Knuck)


  1. Global warming..

  2. Rick:

    I listened to NPR this morning and they had not a word to say aobut the wmd found in Iraq but they were beside themselves with excitement over the Marines being charged. it was all they wanted to talk about.

  3. Peter,

    An AP employee - it's probably a job requirement.

  4. S & L Plays Guess His Party with this AP story on the arrest of San Jose's Mayor..Maybe this should be a permanent's such a common propaganda ploy of AP.
