Tuesday, June 27, 2006

AP/Reuters Watch 6/27

A Flares feature which takes the Associated Press declaration in its STATEMENT OF NEWS VALUES AND PRINCIPLES: "we abhor inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortions" to heart and offers a helping hand by pointing out egregious examples of abhorrent practice as they occur.

Day after day after day.

Examples found by readers and posted in comments will be placed in the main post with credit. All Flares contributors are invited to edit and/or update AP/Reuters Watch posts.

NOTE: Stories at AP and Reuters are updated throughout the day. Some of their updates may obviate criticism made here.
Stephen Ohlemacher continues his abuse of statistics by emphasizing "more are poor" without any emphasis on the proximate cause
-One third of America's children lived in homes where none of the parents had full-time, year-round jobs in 2004. That is a slight increase from 32 percent in 2000.
Shouldn't the headling be "More Parents of Teenagers Are Duds"?

“Surgeon general: No safe level of secondhand smoke”

Not one word in the article is devoted to those scientists who believe that the secondhand smoke argument is bogus. In other words, this is just a propaganda piece.
Brian Skoloff provides evidence of Viagra's efficacy in writing this hit piece on Rush Limbaugh. (Skoloff takes the drug as a spine substitute).
Seth Borensteing, who lays dubious claim the title "science writer" (unless it's political science) writes a glowing tribute to Al Gore's "scientific" schlock warming movie which is immediately rebutted by a letter from staff on a Senate committee which points out that the piece is shoddy propaganda - as is the movie. [h/t Clarice in comments]


  1. Knuck,

    There will be no good knews in America until Bush leaves office.


  2. Fresh Air, please forgive my amusement at the humorous juxtaposition between your 'tag' and your comment - lol

    As for Carmona (sp), he was quite the character in Tucson, but has been the lowest profile SG in many years. Maybe that is a good thing.

  3. AP and Inconvenient Truth.
