Tuesday, June 06, 2006

California Results

CA-50 updates here.

8:30 PM Absentee only at this point with Bilbray comfortably ahead.

9:10 There is a bit of an anomaly in the absentee ballots. The total seems rather high and I notice that Busby has more than 5K more votes in the special than she has in her primary. The Dems couldn't have been purchasing absentee votes could they? Naughty, naughty.

It appears that Mehlman was on top of it - as he will be in November.

CA-11 results can be followed here.

Pombo has a nice early edge.

It looks like 82 is going to fail. Tough luck, Reiner.


  1. You can bet if the exit polls were the least bit encouraging for Ms. Busby, there would be much made of it by now in the LA/NY Times.

    Another bullet dodged.

    VIPLG (verification)

  2. We have a new mayor and he brought in his slate, which doesn't constitute a majority, but, as he got 62% of the vote, I have a feeling if a fourth vote wasn't already there it will be. And after all that turnout was 29%.

    Busby did as well as that district will allow. She'll lose again in November and if she tries again in 2008 she'll lose. Same goes for 2010. They'll have presumably reapportioned by 2012.

    At least we may be done for a while in California with propositions. Voting "no" is becoming a habit.


  3. Busby did very well. Cunningham won with a 22% edge in '04. Bilbray currently has a 4% edge. I agree that Busby loses again in November, probably by qite a bit more. The DCCC is not going to put another $2M out for this district with it gerrymandered so well.

  4. Yes it's nice to see the Left's Madrassa Proposition get defeated.
