Monday, June 26, 2006

Freeh v Clinton Administration

OpinionJournal - Extra: "It soon became clear that Mr. Clinton and his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, had no interest in confronting the fact that Iran had blown up the towers. This is astounding, considering that the Saudi Security Service had arrested six of the bombers after the attack. As FBI agents sifted through the remains of Building 131 in 115-degree heat, the bombers admitted they had been trained by the Iranian external security service (IRGC) in Lebanon's Beka Valley and received their passports at the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, along with $250,000 cash for the operation from IRGC Gen. Ahmad Sharifi.



  1. I found Freeh's criticism of the Clinton administration pretty amazing. It was like he had to get it off his chest before the statute of limitations ran out or something. It's pretty damning, yet I don't see it getting much play. Maybe later.

  2. David, read Louis Freeh's book sometime.

  3. Freeh let off another broadside sometime back, against the Clintons.

    I agree with Chuck--Freeh seems to be trying to atone, and explain, his place inside a very-much crazy-making administration. Hard to read his story without gritting teeth at the tra-la-la political goofing-around with a huge ticking bomb.

    OTOH, as David observes, in the "end-of-history" light of the times, Iran's troublemaking could've been seen as on the descendant, rather than on the ascendant--as we now know it was.

    If this generous take is to take historical root, tho, some of the other players, say Bill, Hill, Madeline, & Sandy, ought to quit devising elaborate excuses for themselves, not to mention quit the self-serving accusations against GWB, and come clean, like Mr. Freeh is doing.

  4. Buddy,

    That pack of self-serving venal liars will never come clean about anything. I'm not sure they even recognize that there is a reality outside of their spin.

  5. If they can't see it, MHA, then it's because they are missing something in the vision system.

    Somehow, that missing something seems to act like a vacuum, sucking otherwise talented and ambitious people together into a vortex type of politics, where an initial lie has to spawn more lies, and more, and so on until something somewhere literally explodes.

  6. Sandy Burglar must have been concerned about something to hide and pilfer classified documents.

    What a disgraceful political appointee!

  7. What they are, the Clintons and their followers, is a Black Hole. Everything gets pulled in, and no light escapes.

  8. Completely magnetic, utterly distorting, disgorging an alternate reality onto a parallel universe, they yawn at the center of the Milkyou Way.

  9. I might get that book too.I still think they know more about the OKC bombing than they let on.

  10. Terry Nichols, Kansas farmer & McVeigh's accomplice, hanging out in the Phillipines the same time and same hotel as Ramzi Yousef, the '93 WTC (fertilizer) bomber, is for certain a hard thing to pass off as coincidence.
