Monday, June 26, 2006

Getting Ahead of the News Cycle or Getting Their Heads Up Their...

...well, you can finish the rest. Of course, many Dems on the appropriate committees already knew about the future troop reductions. But really...trying to spin it as some sort of vindication for their calls to pullout. You gotta love the headline though: Democrats seize on Iraq pullout report. CNN figures, hey it's Monday morning, nobody's really awake. You're supposed to make lemonade out of lemons, you can't make squash out of them. Perhaps some of the Dems think we are the ones wearing the tinfoil hats. It would sort of be like the Mavericks claiming to have really won the NBA championship because the had more total points than the Heat. Of course with supporters like Mark Cuban, maybe the Dems will try that line.


  1. Barry,

    Thanks for pointing this out. It's the key to the Democrat strategy - find a parade and run to the front of it wearing a drum majors uniform.

  2. Rick

    Although I think it will end up like putting lipstick on a pig.

  3. Mark Cuban's famous letter at least gave rise to a great headline: the Cuban Missive Crisis.

  4. It would sort of be like the Mavericks claiming to have really won the NBA championship because the had more total points than the Heat.

    But isn't that exactly what the "Gore won in 2000" people are saying? "Gore won the popular vote" --- in other words, Gore got more points total, even though he lost the majority of the games.

  5. STY,

    I was thinking the same thing. Or like wanting to change the rules of the election vote count after the election.

  6. ...and then tried to cast his follow-on month + of national-crisis nerve-shattering chad-devining court-wrangling as some sort of "normal" sudden-death overtime.

  7. BTW - The contracts for shipping space for returning equipment were booked at least two months ago. Of course, the contracts for construction of the permanent bases are somewhat older than that - but that's another story.

  8. I see so, if we pull out some troops then the Democrats are winning because it was their idea and if we do not they are winning because Iraq is a quagmire. Handy.
