Sunday, June 25, 2006

Good advice

And one from our own Buddy:


  1. I think these are needed as well.

    Michelle is like that watched clock, right twice aday.

    Now if she wants to help out with the war effort she can refrain from undermining the president with his base by accusing him of selling ports to terrorists and being responsible for illegal immigration and an open border with Mexico. That kind of silliness only strengthens the Left and God knows they are strong enough already.

  2. When I click on, it says access forbidden. It's more secure than infomration about SWIFT.

  3. The images are showing as linkable back to Malkins page. Maybe that is why they are not displaying on my rig.

  4. Way OT, but these folks will not be using these posters, for sure.


  5. Seneca,

    Click on what, Barry?

    I think you need to upload the images to blogspot. The links to Malkin's site result in access errors and they aren't showing up. Maybe the Malkin folk are saving their bandwidth.

  6. STY

    I don't see the images, am using Firefox, Mac OS (whatever latest version is). All I see are narrow, green horizontal rectangles.

  7. Grrr. It's working for me. (Same configuration, barry.)

    I'll try moving the images.

  8. okay, done. Now?

    They're there now. I see you have added a few ;) Who was it that several years ago said the media should be careful that they not become seen as the enemy? Looks like the media has neglected that bit of good advice.

  9. STY,

    I was out biking, so I didn't respond sooner. They're up for me too. Thanks. Interesting take.

  10. Just now read your link Buddy. Whew! I can't even wrap my head around the mental world of these folks. I mean Occam cuts em' to shreds. The last few graf's, had these folks any power, were rather scary, though apropos I suppose.

  11. I only think I added one, Chuck. I decided I liked the Betty Page/Emsh brunette.

    I'm putting up one by Buddy as well.

  12. Perfect Buddy.

    Those word verifiers are taxing my limited intellect.

  13. Hey, thanks for putting it up, STY--it's an edit off this site.

    Luther, we should all manage so well with our overtaxed & limited intellects--

  14. I like that brunette, too--them 40s women were knockouts--wonder what it is--fresher vittles or somethin? --not that today's women ain't knockouts, too, heh heh (stretches collar).

  15. I always liked Vargas, nothing but ink on paper, but wooza!

  16. yeh, them legs, just went on and on, didn't they--
