Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's gonna be a blue Fitzmas

without a Karl Rove indictment. via AJ .


  1. They just can not get out of their own way.

  2. Knuck,

    Don't forget that the main witness for Fitz (now that Mr. Grunewald is sinking) is Pat Moynihan's exflack.

    The political incest in the MSM is turning out deficient progeny.

  3. Knuck

    We can get there without any connections to Democrats.

    Which is even better.

    Judge Walton reviewed Cooper's drafts of his story re his GJ testimony and found an inconsistancy which Walton characterized as impeaching whatever Cooper's testimony in a Libby trial might be.

    Cooper has impeached himself. We don't even need his wife's connections to Hillary or Time's with the Dem party.

    We all predict the counts of the indictment involving Cooper will be dropped.

    And since Rove's case was also dependent on Cooper, well, your guess is as good as mine. ::grin::
