Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Jonah Goldberg on New York Times & National Security on National Review Online

Jonah Goldberg on New York Times & National Security on National Review Online: "Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., proclaimed in the Washington Post that 9/11 justified a “new New Deal.” The New York Times joyously proclaimed that “Big Government Is Back in Style,” and its indefatigable chorus of asininity — Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd et al. — pounded their spoons on their high chairs about the un-Americanness of tax cuts during a war. “Since 9/11, our government has asked no sacrifice of civilians other than longer waits at airline security,” Frank Rich whined.

Meanwhile, this self-proclaimed wartime-unity caucus seems to have no problem with undermining the actual war effort. "

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