Monday, June 12, 2006

Military Justice

The Uniform Code of Military Justice is the set of laws applicable to all members of the military. Should the Naval Criminal Investigative Service report concerning Haditha support the need for an Article 32 hearing and should the Article 32 officer find that a recommendation for a court martial is warranted then he will make such a recommendation to the commander. It is the commander's responsibility to make a final determination as to whether to convene a court martial.

Just a very brief and incomplete primer as to the procedure that is underway regarding Haditha.

My bet is that if the Article 32 officer recommends against court martial we'll be hearing extraordinarily loud screams from the usual suspects concerning the need for Congressional hearings.


  1. All the more reason to expose the flawed reporting NOW.

  2. It is the commander's responsibility to make a final determination as to whether to convene a court martial.

    My understanding is that this responsibility lies solely with Time Magazine and the New York Times.

  3. shouldn't we impeach Bushitler first?

  4. Boy, you guys are a bundle of cheer this morning.

    I'm trying to figure out how much to put on this. It looks pretty tasty.

  5. My guess is that the usual suspects will be wanting Congressional hearings no matter what. Not into their fellow politicians' corruption but into the homicidal nature of the American military. When one considers that the American people tend to think much higher of the soldiers than they do the Congress one wonders how this will look to the folks back home.
