that the terrorist plot uncovered in Florida was focused on the Sears Tower rather than on that great symbol of American power and prestige - The New York Times Building, located at 229 West 43rd Street New York, New York (see map below for directions).

The proximity of this greatest of American treasures to freeways and subways providing both easy access as well as a very safe means of egress means that someone bent on ill would have a very good chance of success. Additionally, the relatively low level of security maintained by the The New York Times as a means of expressing their desire to embrace all who enter has long been considered a lure of sorts.
Then there is the easily acquired satellite imagery that allows those seeking the precise location (40 45"26.00'N 73 59"14.59') of the building to easily identify it from the air.

One might ponder whether the United States could withstand the loss of such a tremendously meaningful edifice.
Naw, don't wish for better terrorist-targetting. It would spoil the coming show, of management breaking out in sores as hordes of locusts descend on the building while all the ink turns to blood and the staff gnaws off their tongues as they writhe in agony yet continue to refuse to repent.
ReplyDeleteSomething is REALLY wrong with these people.
ReplyDeleteThat is the fiunniest thing I've seen all day.
ReplyDeleteAnd I've been dealing with management all day; it's not easy to top them.
Well, they're onto something alright. Once everything in the cosmos is a conscious conspiracy of some sort, you're pretty close to Original Sin--the conspiracy to obey the survival instinct, and naught else. These people are religious zealots of the highest order. Don't ever get in their power--they'll Inquisition yo ass.
ReplyDeleteRick, I was thinking the same thing..Let's print up fliers and air drop them all over the Afghan-Pakistan border.
ReplyDeleteOh my God, Buddy. Jim Fetzer is an old friend of mine. We got some papers out of a long arghument we had in the 80's.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for cheap one way tickets - RUH-JFK. If the Times values American lives so cheaply - well turnabout and all that.
Kind of a ghoulish shock, I'm sure--sorry!
ReplyDeleteDiabolical and brilliant in the same instant. Kudos.