Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Althouse: The UW 9/11 denialist appears on "Hannity and Colmes."

Althouse: The UW 9/11 denialist appears on "Hannity and Colmes.": "
Colmes's attempt at the beginning to present Barrett in a good light by emphasizing that Barrett will bring debate and critical thinking to the classroom is all shot to hell. We've seen Barrett in action. Barrett retained his position here because we care about free speech values, but he slammed us in the face with his disrespect for free speech."


  1. Then get an engineering school prof to discuss the theory that the Administration blew up the WTC, not this fruitcake. I explained to Ann why I no longer contribute to the school's general fund raising drives--bad decisions like this are one reason.

  2. ...or does he represent the views of many leftists?

    Probably not yet, but their time will come. It is sort of the last stand against creeping reality.

  3. In his paper on the energy of collapse Greening averaged the mass of the WTC by dividing by 110. This ignored the 6 sub-basements and his entire idea is incorrect because the building had to be bottom heavy. Averaging would shift mass upwards increasing the potential energy.


