Saturday, July 22, 2006

AmbivaBlog: Postscript to the Teen-Rats-on-Pot Story

AmbivaBlog: Postscript to the Teen-Rats-on-Pot Story: "Don't you see the inescapable conclusion here? Pot makes you smarter."


  1. I l-o-v-e the social sciences..the hard edged framework of the research; the sharp interpretation of the work.

    I also cannot for the life of me understand why the perfectly good notions of phlogiston and spontaneous generation were rejected or why so few still believe in perpetual motion.

  2. I could tell some stories. But I can't. Ya know man?

    But I did take the Personalily Test as linked in AmbivaBlog. Interesting, not so much the results as the way in which the test is designed, very clever. I would grade accuracy as an 8/9. Its not the MMM, but amusing for a Saturday afternoon.

  3. Ah, the old days, when the drug problem was "I'm all outta pot!"

    wv: dcwnd -- the answer, DC, is blowin' in the wnd, the answer is...oh hell forget it.

  4. Luther, what the heck is a "personal lily test"?

  5. Whadu ya mean, you never heard of it before, a "personal lily test" is a ....a.. Well me neither either. :-)

  6. hope it don't require penicillin, whatever it is

  7. Oh sure, bring up more stories I can't talk about.

  8. I remember when spending $100 on drugs meant a big weekend coming up; now it's Vitorin, Citrusel, and Zantac.

  9. Too funny, StY. You nailed it, still chuckling.

  10. it only hurts when I stop laughing
