Saturday, July 15, 2006

Arab FMs hold emergency summit | Jerusalem Post

Arab FMs hold emergency summit | Jerusalem Post: "The Saudi foreign minister appeared to be leading a camp of ministers criticizing the guerrilla group's actions, calling them 'unexpected, inappropriate and irresponsible acts.'

'These acts will pull the whole region back to years ago, and we cannot simply accept them,' Saudi al-Faisal told his counterparts.

Supporting his stance were representatives of Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, the Palestinian Authority, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, delegates said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks."

It would appear that Iran Syria Lebanon Hizbullah is running low on Arab support.


  1. Well, 'cause this isn't an Arab-Israeli war.

    Poor, poor Hamas. Hezbollah is getting all the attention.


    Damn. I don't really want to be flip about this situation though.

    BTW, I saw the Syrian ambassador to the US last night on TV. His face had a look of panic.

  2. The Palestinian Authority? sheesh.

    I think these guys are just wishing this had not happened.

  3. The Bush administration is essentially giving Israel the green light. In the past, the terrorists knew that they could commit a number of atrocities---and that the United States government would foolishly urge Israel to halfheartedly respond. No more.


    Heh heh.

  4. No more


    That's why the Syrian ambassador looked so nervous. He kept ranting for the United States to stop Israel like it's always done in the past.

  5. George Mitchell said the Bush administration has to put a stop to this and bring everybody to the negotiating table so we can get back to the status quo.

    He actually used the term status quo.

    Status quo was what got us 9/11. The fool.

    When, later, George Allen called that appeasement ::grin:: George Mitchell's mouth turned into a tiny straight line.

  6. The “mainstream” Arab leaders are appalled that things have gone this far. A Democrat does not reside in the White House.

    It is the growing power of Iran that worries the region. Necessity, bedfellows, and all that. If I may pull a David, I pointed this out back when we were asking who might support the car bombings in Iran.

  7. Yes, i think everyone is afraid of Iran. Too bad Jimmy Carter did not go after them a long time ago. Or Reagan, or someone. Too bad their own people don't do something so know one else will have to.

    I hear about Iranians in Iraq etc, and I think that these guys have a lot of nerve and not a lot of sense. I don't really want to see the whole place blow up. But then again I think the Israelis are just sick of waiting for Armeggedon.

  8. I'm sorry, I don't see what everyone is afraid of re: Iran.

    We could, truly, severely crimp their lifestyle in about 36 hours. 72+ if we have too move a few CAG's into position.

    All it would take is political will. That is what all of this would take. Fewer words more action. The world would be a better place in the end.
