Friday, July 07, 2006

Better Safe than Sorry

That old adage is especially true, methinks, when it comes to matters of potential life and death. The life and death of millions.

So, what should our proper reaction be to reports of yet another terrorist plot against New York recently foiled? [And what's with these terrorists anyway, don't they get it? New York voted for Kerry. Keee-rrry.] Consider the choices where lovely Carol Merrill is standing. Door number one: ignore it, because it's probably a fantasy of the tool of the fascist oil companies (I refer of course to Shrub); door number two: take it seriously and do everything necessary to disrupt the latest threat; door number three: do everything possible to downplay the story and further undermine the standing of the elected American government? [Can we get those poll numbers any lower? Let's give it a shot!]

And so it was with some considerable surprise that I turned to Der Spiegel this evening to find that the lead headline proclaimed that a terrorist attack on the Holland Tunnel has been thwarted. Shock, even, because I had heard absolutely nothing about this today (the plan was to use the tunnel to flood the city and kill lots of folks). With considerable trepidation, I ventured onto Google News to see what the press reports here in the US might be. I found that our vigilant press, eager to let us know every twitch of our government's plans, had indeed reported the story. For example, it had been picked up by: the London Times, Radio New Zealand, the Calgary Sun, PBS, the American Spectator, Sky Valley Journal, the New York Sun, the Norman Transcript, etc. But, the New York Times, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, the LA Times—all seem to be curiously absent here.

But not to worry. The Northeastern Echo Chamber* is on it after all. The Raw Story, from Massachusetts, has picked up the story and even better has investigated it enough to assure us it's all a right-wing hoax. "Sources" at the CIA have assured them of this.

So it's all ok, nothing to see here, move along, and y'all have a nice weekend now.


*Camille Paglia


  1. Sheesh.

    And read the comments at Raw Story too.

    They simply can't get it through their heads that now we're catching plots BEFORE they're mature. And these are the same people who blamed Bush for not having stopped 9/11.

    The rules were changed so we can stop the next one. But, no. People like this only worry about perception and have fears of being monitored for political reasons. It's all about them. Selfish bastards.

    One of the biggest dangers to our civil liberties is putting these guys through the normal criminal justice system. The Moussaoui trial already did damage to the fifth and sixth amendments and is now a precedent for any case that goes through the system against you, me, or any other citizen.

    That would never occur to them. But these jerks are perfectly happy to declare war on the war and treat these guys like teens fooling around with their friends and put them through our criminal justice system just like their cousins.

    What worries me most about Democrats regaining power even though there ARE sane democrats is that I don't think they can govern reasonably with half their 'supporters' insane.

  2. One of the biggest dangers to our civil liberties is putting these guys through the normal criminal justice system. The Moussaoui trial already did damage to the fifth and sixth amendments and is now a precedent for any case that goes through the system against you, me, or any other citizen.

    Sounds like the basis of a good blog post right there. Tell me more.

  3. I hav e a client who grew up in Brooklyn. She is Italian and very tough. She may live in the midwest, but she is still 100% Brooklyn. Her attitude? People bitch, if you don't stop the bad gusy, they would be the frist to bitch. Screw the cry babies she says.

    There is truth to that. If there was a successful attack, who would these people blame? bush or the terrorists?

    We need not ponder long on that one.

  4. MHA

    I don't know more. I watched the plenary session of the annual convention of the American Constitution Society on C-SPAN--twice.

    I heard that from their token dissenter (they're way left and believe Bush is killing the constitution) who worked in the JD under Reagan? first Bush? I don't remember, but who himself is against the Iraq war.

    Anyway, he pointed out the danger to our criminal justice system by trying prisoners there. The other thing he mentioned was danger to the jurors.

  5. terrye

    Yeah. I also call them busybodies. Whining, bitching, busybodies.

    Democrats, the Party of Busybodies!
