Friday, July 28, 2006

One Dead, At Least 5 Shot At Seattle Jewish Center

Amy Wasser-Simpson, vice president for planning and community services at the Jewish Federation told The Seattle Times the man then got through security at the building and told staff members: "I'm Muslim-American. I'm angry at Israel," then began shooting.
"Police say they believe the gunman was acting alone and not part of any larger organization."

Now why do I believe that the police spokesman's mouth is way ahead of the investigation?

Article via Gateway Pundit which has a good roundup.

Might this pro-Israel rally have been just too much for Seattle's erstwhile jihadi? Just look at all those women and children - the brave jihadi's target of choice. How could he resist?


  1. I wonder what his imam down at his mosque was preaching on today? The fact that the Jewish community has the highest rate of charitable giving of any identifiable group in the US?

    Possibly not, although it's true. It would be good to know if CAIR lawyers were passing out cards after the service. Just in case someone might find themselves in need of legal representation. Purely a precautionary move.

  2. They've kept the lid on this type of crap so far -- the LAX Airport shootings, the kid who blundered and blew himself up in the parking lot at the college, the Coptic family that was murdered -- but they won't be able to keep the lid on this one.

    All women, and one of them pregnant. Americans going to be furious over this.

  3. ambisinistral -

    you didn't mention
    the Beltway Snipers.

  4. the Coptic family that was murdered

    IIRC, they were done in by a couple of drug dealers on probation, one of whom lived upstair. Here's the story in the Daily News. Sounds more like In Cold Blood than jihad. Hmmm, I wonder what's going on with this case?

    Anyway, not every killing is perpetrated by Jihadists. Let's keep the score card honest.

  5. I think that "I'm Muslim-American. I'm angry at Israel" might tilt the field a bit on this one though.

  6. yeah,Chuck,you're right.

    ambi forgot the SUV driver
    with bad aim in North Carolina.

  7. Dunno, Skook - remember he's an American and it's a real no-no to listen in on any calls he makes to Pakistan where his family lives. Possibly in a hut next to Zawahiri.

    What's the downside on what he's done? Getting someone executed in Washington is next to impossible. There's a kid killer who's been sitting on death row since '91 and the last execution was in '01.

    I believe you'll be seeing that Ibn Ahog fellow from CAIR on TV quite a bit.

  8. I know, Skook. I'm moving to the other one. There is no Blue Castle in my future home purchase plans. I may even start a movement to ban ferries going to Seattle. There's a bridge accross the Skookumchuk down on 101 that looks pretty rickety. With the Seattle ferries stopped and the bridge closed the peninsula should be fairly safe.

  9. Seattle or not, as I said Americans going to be furious over this.

    On a hunch I went over to Democratic Underground and found this thread. They're horrified by the crime with a few floundering around looking for a party line.

  10. My husband has an office there and I finally agreed to go there with him last year. Biggest bunch of dimwits I've ever seen. I told him that was my last trip there.
    Interesting Rick mentioned the ferries. I recall the city ordered HSA to stop security work on them after very suspicious activity was noticed.

    It's an easy target if the jihadis choose it.

  11. Skookumchuck

    Gotta love the silent c.
