Friday, July 14, 2006

Politician Complains About Scurrilous DCCC Ad

John Spratt has served South Carolinians for 34 years and knows political garbage when he sees it. He is justifiably concerned about the potential for harm that Rahm Emmanuel's latest advertising brain child may cause him in the fall. There are a number of moderates in relatively safe seats who share Spratt's concern, and rightfully so. There is no safe place for a moderate in politics today and Rahm Emmanuel is determined to prove it.

I wonder what Ben Nelson has to say about the ad?

UPDATE: In comments Clarice points to this Jay Cost article which summarizes the internecine battle going on in the Democratic Party. It's an excellent analysis that will be worth rereading on Nov 8th. I would only add that Dean is spending money hiring the same people that unions used to pay. That's the real and very ugly hole that the Dems aren't filling with their fundraising.


  1. Jay Cost had a great piece up yesterday which details the Emmanuel/Dean fight and the way the DNC organization engenders this split.
    It's all good.

  2. Spratt got the ad pulled.
