Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What the Hell

This is getting out of hand.


  1. The real nuttiness will start in mid-November when the election results sink in. Seixon knew what he was doing. The reward for sowing the wind doesn't change.

    The sites he visited exist to promulgate propaganda, not one of them is worthy of anything but contempt to begin with. Pointing that out wasn't well received by the cretins in charge. Big surprise.

    The fact that the MSM runs to these creeps (CNN/Johnson in particular) should also surprise no one. They're in the same business with the same objectives.

  2. Eh... the blog version of a flame war. Old as the internet.

  3. rick:

    Did you hear about Chris Matthews? I guess he made a real ass of himself on Imus.

  4. Ambi,

    Maybe slightly more - Johnson is making threats based upon his putative status as a former CIA agent with ties to security forces in the EU. He's a committed liar so it's impossible to make any assessment of his threats.


    I think "revealed what a real ass he is" is more apropo than "made a real ass". The making part was completed years ago. I did read about his chat with Imus. Par for Matthews - that's why he is basically unwatched. MSNBC's version of Air America shows the true power of the left's message.

    Think popgun.

  5. Skook,

    I'm with you on not watching. Nor reading much beyond short news accounts. The utter banality and tawdriness of the opposition is taking a toll on my otherwise sweet disposition.

    Would that Dante could return for enough time to generate a vision of a Tenth Circle.

  6. FYI YARGBers:

    I read the post Terrye linked to and it really angered me.

    I posted the following comment:

    If Malachy, MLH, Loser and their ilk want to pick on someone, try me. I agree with much of what Seixon says, and nearly everything he posts on the Plame affair.

    I blog at, my name is Jim Rhoads, and I practice law in Atlanta.

    I served four years active duty in the US Army, one of which was in Vietnam from May 1,1967-April 30, 1968. I commented extensively on Beldar, Ed Morrissey, Roger Simon and others supporting two of my clients who served as Swiftboat Skippers in VN, and who thought Kerry was a phony. For many reasons, I agreed with them.

    My email address is in Typekey. If you contact me, I will give you my phone number. I will answer my phone and engage you in any conversations you choose.

    I personally believe that you are the COWARDS. You wouldn't have the guts to mess with me. I am not afraid of your BS.

    Seixon: I am a litigation attorney who has practiced for 40 years trying cases throughout the USA. I now manage a Public Interest Lawfirm. Email me if you need help.

    Bring it on.

  7. Terrye:

    You are right.

    This stuff is like jr. highschoolers knocking on the door and running away. A variation of that is leaving dog poop in a burning paper bag at the door so the unsuspecting homeowner will try to stamp it out and soil his shoes.

    Very adolescent.
