Friday, August 04, 2006

Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group Weblog » Washington Post Article on Heat Waves - Balanced or Biased?

Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group Weblog » Washington Post Article on Heat Waves - Balanced or Biased?: "Thus, in answer to the question that headlined this Climate Science weblog, the Washington Post article, while it did include some diversity in its presentation, failed to adequately assess other sources of information that provide a different view. It is also interesting that since the hurricane season has had a slow start so far, that the focus has now shifted to using heat waves as the climate metric to advocate a particular perspective on climate variability and change."


Anonymous said...

Yep, back in the good old days there were no heat waves. Or the heat waves were not so hot. I can remember times in Oklahoma years ago when it was so hot I would walk barefoot on the asphalt and leave tracks. It was that hot and my feet were that tough.

We did not think it was global warming. We just thought it was summer.

Syl said...

I found out the main reason there havent been any hurricanes yet this season, though this season was predicted to be as bad as last year.

There are two upper lows spinning around. One in the SE US, the other below Bermuda. They're tearing the things apart before they can fully form.

Climate is really local, isn't it.