Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Clinton v Nutroots

Not satisfied with the effort put forward by Martin Peretz yesterday, the Wall Street Journal has granted commentary space to Lanny Davis, a Clinton sycophant rivaled only by Sidney Blumenthal in sheer vileness and willingness to engage in the Clinton's speciality of attack without regard to decency. Davis' attacks on the women who justifiably accused Clinton of serial sexual predation are unforgettable - and unforgiveable. The Wall Street Journal demeans itself by allowing him the space.

It is totally unsurprising that a Clinton mouthpiece should resort to the level of name calling in which Davis engages in this piece. Miz Clinton is rightfully afraid of the Moveon, ANSWER sponsored movement whose sole purpose is to impede America's war effort. Her carefully constructed straddle of this particular barbed wire fence is going to be very painful with a bunch of Soros funded punks pulling hard on one side. It might even interfere with the '08 strategy that Emmanuel is pursuing in throwing a disproportionate share of DCCC money at Miz Clinton's Emily List slate of code pinko (if not Code Pink) feminists who she hopes are destined to become her voice in the House in the altogether unlikely event that she ever again enters the Oval Office except by invitation.

Davis is correct in his description of the scurrilous tactics in which the Kosola Kidz so readily engage. He should be correct because, after all, they learned those same tactics from him, Blumenthal and the rest of the cast of Clinton clones. He and Miz Clinton have earned every bit of what is headed their way - and so has the Democratic Party.

Go Neddy!!!


CT Secretary of State results for primary.

The CT site doesn't function well.

Loner suggests this site.

This site seems to to be functioning well.

GA Secretary of State results (McKinney).


  1. I guess Lanny is shocked, shocked that netrootiness is going on in the Nutmeg State.

  2. Vnjagvet,

    I thought that you would be up in GA-4 helping Hank Johnson with his spot removal campaign today. Does he have it so well in hand that no help is necessary?


    I wonder if Davis is regretting not having read the directions carefully before letting the genie out?

    Neither he nor Miz Clinton can quite figure out what to do - if Joe wins, he's the default "conscience of the moderates" - and Miz Clinton is sitting in the back seat. If Joe loses, then the nutroots stay on the front porch and Miz Clinton's '08 schemes and dreams go up in smoke. What clever people.

  3. DT:

    I share your view about Lanny's wanting to "share a drink" at the end of the day with the gang on the other side.

    Much like Carville and Matalin, at a certain level, that was possible even during the Clinton days.

    You are right though that the i/n has "changed everything", and thatd that Lanny and crew have sewn the seeds of the Kossites behavior. After all, they devised many of the tactics the Kossites now use against their perceived enemies, even though they are otherwise on the same side.

    The i/n group picked up only the fighting tools and tactics and not the camaraderie over drinks at the end of the day.

    Indeed, they take themselves so seriously, they believe their own bullshit.

  4. Hoisted on their own petard.

  5. Ah, but Lanny was oilier and slicker than Kos, wasn't he in his prime?(Sid's another matter.Too crude. Too crazy. After revealing that NSA is providing Israel with information, I doubt Hillary would dare embrace him publicly again.)

  6. Rick:

    Alas, I am in Fulton County, therefore in GA-5. Only about 1000 feet from the border.

  7. He and Miz Clinton have earned every bit of what is headed their way - and so has the Democratic Party.

    What? Victory?

    Newt Gingrich and then C-SPAN came to the House of Representatives in 1979. Who knew? Who even guessed? Apocalypse Now was finally released later in that year.

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...

    Gales of laughter for old time's sake.

  8. "What? Victory?"

    Sure. Humphrey won the nomination in '68 and McGovern won it in '72. No reason why Miz Clinton shouldn't win it in '08. She's as strong a candidate as either one.

  9. And, and, and...

    ...one mustn't ever, ever, ever forget...

    ...it'll be historic, historic, historic I say!

    The answer is: 49 - 54 + 5 = 0.

    What's the question?

  10. This seems to be a much better site for CT results:


  11. Last I heard it is Lamont by 6, but it is not over.

    Sad really, if Lieberman had just promised to cut and run and been more of an ass in general he might be doing better.

    If he loses, will he run as an Independent. Some people say that is disloyal but I would say he has every right to do it.

  12. Terrye,

    Lamont by 3.5% with 80% counted - 10PM Eastern.

  13. rick:

    Just goes to show those polls were not right.

  14. Drudge is calling it for Lamont. Boy, am I glad I don't read the lefty blogs. They finally won one..God knows what they might do. Sacrfice a small animal in thanks to election God or something.

  15. Ha, well said Terrye, but alas, no sacrifice of small animals, peta would be most displeased.

    My op, the more solidly lamont wins, the more the dem's, in general, lose. At the least, the more we define the divide, the clearer the line. Does that help? I have no idea. But at least we know where we stand.
