Monday, August 07, 2006

Cross Your Fingers

and hope they got Nasrullah. Yoni reports:
"IAF has hit according to my sources a 10 story building in Beirut with several high value targets in inside the building at the time of the attack."
That ties in nicely with this heavy hinting from Haaretz
Therefore, it is expected that in the coming days the IDF will carry out a frantic effort to locate Nasrallah, alone or with some of his associates, and try to kill them. In one morning recently such a moment had come: a "highly valued" Hezbollah target emerged and all the right ears were perked up, the weapons systems were put on alert, and then the target slipped away - at least until the next time.
Assasination by air strike is fine but it has had a very limited success ratio. Hitting a ten-story building hard enough to assure a kill on one individual is extraordianrily difficult. If the IAF managed to do it, they deserve the world's admiration.

This strike also means that Olmert has taken up the challenge from Nasrullah - Tel Aviv will be hit should Nasrullah survive.

UPDATE:CNN has this:
BEIRUT (CNN) -- An Israeli strike hit a south Beirut street Monday evening, killing at least 10 people and wounding 65 others, Lebanese security forces said.

The strike occurred about 8 p.m. (1 p.m. ET). It hit a building near a mosque in the southern suburb of Shiyah, an upscale neighborhood on the edge of mostly Christian east Beirut, officials with the security forces told CNN.
CNN is being cute again - why does "near a mosque" seem not to fit too well with "mostly Christian"?

SECOND UPDATE: This fellow was also an excellent target. No ten-story involved, though. As yet, I can't find any reference to Nasty appearing anywhere today.


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  3. Maybe Nas and Castro are jigging it up together somewhere tonight.

    Too good to ask for, I fear.

  4. i agree with a comment i read elsewhere: that a direct hit on the iranian embassy should be made just to hear the iranians complain about embassy inviolability.

  5. Vnjagvet,

    I hope what Nasty said was "Fidel, is it hot in here or is that just me?"

    I've seen reports of loud explosions during the night in Beirut but it's still too early in the morning for daylight pictures to be up. I'm wondering if Yoni put a teaser up for traffic but he really doesn't seem like that kind of guy.

  6. Those beards might be a touch combustible, Rick. And the virgins might be ugly, too.

  7. Israeli Amb to the US said on CNN tonite about that hit that they were going after a high value target, but he could not say more. When asked if they were successful, he said again he could not say more.

    Since it's been almost 12 hours, I doubt they got Nasrallah (if that's who they were aiming for) because by now the Israelis would have picked up chatter.

  8. why does "near a mosque" seem not to fit too well with "mostly Christian"?

    Well, I've seen pictures of mosques and churches next to each other in Beirut. I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

  9. "There are those among us who believe this sort of presentation is subconsious and they don't even recognize their ingrained bigotries. I believe it is too carefully crafted to be done subconsciously; they know precisely what they are doing and they do it willfully, with forethought and malice."

    Knucklehead -

    i think,in fact it is done with
    one eye on the mirror
    and the other on their
    very own personal bag of skin:

    when you're a tranzi
    in geo-symchronus orbit,you aren't,in reality,
    "speaking truth to power",
    half as much as you're very careful to have a soft place to land when indeed you need one.

    look at poor ole' Eason Jordan.
