Sunday, August 06, 2006

The hate continues

I've decided not to reproduce the latest, and one of the worst, Judeophobic cartoons to appear in the European MSM.

Tiberge has it, this excresence from one of France's putatively leading papers, Le Monde:
The Jew is crushing Christ represented by a cross on a cedar. Such baseness has not been seen for 60 years! The boot...the drop of blood...disgusting!
Tiberge, whose love for France as well as horror at what the country is presently becoming, cannot be doubted, does not give up the fight. And we cannot give up the fight to help those Europeans who want to renew and redeem their civilization. If they lose this fight, North America will become very claustrophobic indeed as the Eurabian nukes are put on display. It is our civilization that the Eurabian scum and many of their soulmates over here are ruining, and we need to prepare for all-out cultural war. Do you do business with the French? Do you have friends there? Demand they witness and repudiate this crap, or let them know you are at war with them and won't give a damn when their women are put in sacks or when, as will shortly be the case, many are looking for refuge. We survived the 1930s once, and we can do it again, if we still have the courage to care about ordinary patriots in places like France. In the meantime, let's start taking down names...


  1. You're right Skook. But the inability of a decent politician like deVilliers to go anywhere in the polls suggests that far too many French will vote for Le Monde-type socialists and for Le Pen who, it seems to me, is largely just a more low-brow version of same. Similarly, the BNP just promises more welfare for the *English* people, not a serious cultural reformation. Le Pen is completely ambivalent in his statements about Islam; i think he has some kind of Eurabian vision too, if not the same as Chirac's. These politicians surely know something about their people. Antisemitism and anti-Americanism are, it seems clear to me, widely rooted, not just among pc elites and these are mental diseases that will rot to the very core. To redeem themselves, they need maybe ten percent of the people over there to start talking and supporting a new reality, soon. As for the rest, political sympathies can change over night for most people, once they see that the old ideas are no longer cool and a new word is on the street. I have marginally more hope for the English ( they can read our blogs:)

  2. Skook, somehow, this comment from a France-Echos blog post discussing the faked Reuters photo tells us something:

    "Bonne fin de vacances à tous ! Récupérez des forces, on en aura plus que jamais besoin dès la rentrée ! 2007 DOIT être l'année d'un changement RADICAL !" - "Happy End of vacation to everyone. Recover your forces, they will be needed more than ever after the holidays. 2007 must be the year of a radical change."

  3. It seems to me, what is needed is for the ordinary Britons and European nationals to have their national personhood represented again, in other words a rediscovery of the ideal symmetry between rulers and polity so that the former are the true representative of the aspirations of the particular sort of individuals in the latter, and not guilty Gnostic missionaries trying to play God and redeem the world from its sinful conflicts and rivalries through some all-inclusive multiculturalism.

    The British Conservative Party used to have a membership in the millions; it was one of the largest voluntary organizations in history. And now it is just another little clique of Gnostic careerists telling the journalist class what they want to hear: let's remain at the centre of things by taking it on our guilty selves to appease the angry marginals of the world. People need to turn off the news, leave the house, attend a few meetings, and start ending careers.

    On another note, I have been looking for confirmation that this cartoon actually did appear in LeMonde. I can't find anyone else talking about it yet. Please let me know if you see anything on this.

  4. Le Monde did publish this on July 26. See this french blog

  5. Well Skook, my guess is that ridding themselves of the EU is inevitable, sooner or later. But it will probably be less a concerted, carefully-negotiated action than the chaos your friend fears. Empires collapse when they cannot represent fundamental truths in meaningful ways to unify their constituent parts.

    People will not cling long to the hypocrisy of the postmodern "unifying' idea that there is no fundamental truth except for the idea that there is no fundamental truth and all those who say otherwise are wrong and our enemies. At least, if they do so cling, they will not be very happy or have much faith in the future and will soon be outbred and rendered a footnote by their more certain rivals. As rivalry heats up in Europe, people will more and more start fighting for their particular traditions for accessing fundamental truths, and it seems highly unlikely that the Euro political scene can separate or isolate itself from these "social" debates. If everyone belonged to the same church or language, then maybe the single Euo political scene could be neatly distinguished from the various local social or religious scenes. But that's not the case. So I expect the Euro political scene will not be able to contain social rivalries and sooner or later it will rupture as people pursue their truths in competing organizations and arenas. But then we may already be seeing this - e.g. the recent national votes against the EU constitution.

    In theory, forgetting certain hard realities, Europe might be better off if it could emulate America - especially with regard to immigration - and found a United States of Europe; but I don't see how far it can go down that road without a lot more desire for a common culture bound to common constitutional principles. And it seems impossible to imagine such a new cultural project in this day and age - what new path to fundamental truth is there to unfold and explore?. So unless it turns around and becomes a highly decentralized federation,I don't have much hope for the EU.

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