Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jonah Goldberg on Israel on National Review Online

Jonah Goldberg on Israel on National Review Online: "If you took Western news outlets at face value, you’d think that every Arab hamlet, no matter how humble, must have at least one thriving American and Israeli flag merchant. For whenever the Big or Little Satan sneezes, it seems all anyone has to do is run down to Achmed’s Flag Emporium to set one on fire for the cameras.

The point here, alas, is that Westerners are suckers."


  1. They have their own protest organizers too, just like we have.

  2. If they are so concerned about the children and the old people why don't they get them out of there. I saw a bunch of old people walking along a road and I swear to God there was not one young person there to help them. They just start their little world and run off and leave the babies and the Grandparents to fend for themselves. And for what?

  3. world should be war but when talking about these crazy mothers I guess there is no real difference.
