Thursday, August 24, 2006

Reason: Hoodwinked by Hezbollah: Turning the stench of defeat into the smell of victory

Reason: Hoodwinked by Hezbollah: Turning the stench of defeat into the smell of victory: "But what kind of victory is this that, even by Hezbollah's unexacting standards, must qualify as a major setback? In its public appraisals of the conflict, Hezbollah has ignored what Israel did to those parts of Lebanon the party cannot claim as its own. Its cries of triumph have been focused on the stubborn resistance put up by Hezbollah combatants in south Lebanon. Nothing has been heard from party leaders about the billions of dollars of losses in infrastructure; about the immediate losses to businesses that will be translated into higher unemployment; about the long-term opportunity costs of the fighting; about the impact that political instability will have (indeed has already had) on public confidence and on youth emigration; and about the general collapse in morale that Lebanon faces."


  1. i guess the question is
    "what is Israel's capacity to prevent re-supply?".

    the "Lebanese goverment"
    apprently isn't up to the task.

    and the UN observers
    must have been paid off.

  2. ...and anyone with a pulse knows
    it's not an issue of
    "if",but "when".

  3. I read this piece and I tend to agree Hezbellah lost because their little assault on Israel can not be easily reproduced without even more devastating effect on its host country. The Israelis lost no territory, Hezbellah did. I really do not think we should fall into the trap of agreeing with Arabs who claim victory everytime they get in fight.

  4. Get on your skateboards and go read Amir Taheri in Opinion Journal!!!

    Hezbollah only won in the Western press.

    From his final paragraph:

    "Hezbollah won the propaganda war because many in the West wanted it to win as a means of settling score with the United States," says Egyptian columnist Ali al-Ibrahim. "But the Arabs have become wise enough to know TV victory from real victory."
