Sunday, October 29, 2006

Vampire Invasion?

Michelle Malkin posts on William and Mary removing the cross from the Wren Chapel. Comes forth the administration and speaks:
"Let me be clear. I have not banished the cross from the Wren Chapel. The chapel, as you know, is used for religious ceremonies by members of all faiths. The cross will remain in the chapel and be displayed on the altar at appropriate religious services.

"But the chapel is also used frequently for college events that are secular in nature -- and should be open to students and staff of all beliefs. Whether celebrating our happiest moments, marking our greatest achievements, or finding solace during our most profound sadness, our chapel, like our entire campus, must be welcoming to all...

You know who fears the cross? Right, vampires. William and Mary has been infested by vampires. Hidden stairways in the faculty lounges lead to the crypts beneath the campus of America's second oldest university; there the administration and tenured faculty spend their "break time" resting on a thin layer of rich soil lining the bottom of comfortable coffins. Soon garlic will be banned from the cafeteria because some find its odor "offensive." Mirrors will be removed from the restrooms. There will be more night classes for "non-traditional students." The town's people had better lay in a stock of wooden stakes and torches, they are going to need them.

Calling Buffy. Where are you Vampire Slayer?


  1. You know what? Speaking as a non-Christian who does sometimes get a bit annoyed at having the presumption of Christianity rubbed in my face, I think I rather *like* the fact that they do this.

  2. Yeah, Senaca.

    And when a Jewish congregation meets in a room at a Christian Church they don't go around removing crosses. That would be rather rude, don't you think?

    What bothers me is the disrespect for history and tradition. The administration doesn't care, I suppose, because they are just humoring silly superstitions in any case, but why change the function of the chapel?

    I too am non-Christian and I would frankly be ashamed to be bothered by a cross in a chapel. Get real.

  3. I watched a History channel doc on vampires. Not a word about crosses.

    The world is a big place and there is plenty of room for all those people who do not like crosses to congregate. they can stay out of churches.

  4. Doug, I didn't smile the first time - wasn't sure what was going on.

    Confused chap,
