Monday, October 23, 2006

Yeah, why?

The American Thinker: "Why are the Democratic African American candidates of so much greater interest to the national media than the Republican African American candidates running state wide this year?"


  1. I suspect Democrats and the media are looking for the Great Black Hope. Besides, black Republicans are a slap in the face after all the things progressives have done for black people.

  2. "black Republicans are a slap in the face after all the things progressives have done for black people."

    Man, I hope removing tongue from cheek isn't too painful.

  3. The Republicans have an Obama. She's not running. Virginia Postrel considers.

    I think that if Jerry Brown had set out from the beginning to become President of the United States in 1976 we wouldn't, among other things, have had a Carter Administration. Echoes. They're everywhere.
